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Imaginet Blog

Application DevelopmentSQL Server

Using Query Store to Analyze Database Performance

Are you concerned about how your database is performing for your application? Did you know that there is a built-in feature in SQL Server and Azure SQL that you can use to evaluate your database for potential problems? Query Store has been available since the introduction of SQL Server 2016, and is enabled by default in Azure SQL and Azure SQL Managed Instances, but it has flown under the radar as a performance tool.
Darren Kuik
January 31, 2023
ux design, user experience design, mobile app development, mobile app design, web application development, app development services, software development services, user experience testing, UX research, usability testing, user experience audit, user interface design, user interface testing, digital product design, api development, web app development, ios app development, android app developmentApplication Development

UX and Dev: A Perfect Partnership

Working with a UX designer can help developers build better products. Learn the benefits of UX design from a developer's perspective, including improved user experience, fewer technical challenges, and increased customer satisfaction. Unlock the power of collaboration between developers and UX designers today.
Christopher Jenkins
January 19, 2023
AgileApplication Development

Agile Project Management in Consulting

One of the key benefits of agile project management is that it allows for a more iterative and incremental approach to software development giving a faster Return on Investment (ROI) for the customer. Rather than trying to plan out every aspect of a project in advance, agile teams focus on delivering small, usable features of software on a regular basis. This allows the development team to be more responsive to changes in the project's requirements…
Karin Ross
January 9, 2023
Application Development

Using Entitlement Management to Provide External Access to SharePoint Online

Using Entitlement Management to Provide External Access to SharePoint Online Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) entitlement management is an identity governance feature that enables organizations to manage identity and access lifecycle at scale, by automating access request workflows, access assignments, reviews, and expiration. Entitlement management allows your organization to manage access to groups, applications and SharePoint Online sites for internal users and users outside the organization with controls like self-service request, approval workflows and expiration…
Roy Polvorosa
November 16, 2022
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