Case Study

Modernize your enterprise application

with improved security and performance and provide comprehensive feature updates

Let's Talk

Modernize your enterprise application with improved security and performance and provide comprehensive feature updates

An occupational testing company requested assistance to modernize its internal enterprise application to improve security and performance and provide comprehensive feature updates. The application is used by call center staff and all operations groups to perform regular daily activities for their customers that require occupational testing. Imaginet helped facilitate requirements gathering and the design of the system, and then lead the architecture and development of the modernization. At the same time, Imaginet incorporated best practices for Agile developments and usage of Azure DevOps pipelines to manage deployment activities.

The application makes use of SQL Server Always Encrypted with Secure Enclaves to ensure data-level encryption and security to protect personally identifiable information. Scheduled windows tasks were replaced by Hangfire worker jobs running as background processes in IIS. Overall, the new application improves security through a more granular level control of access using RBAC and improves performance both from a view of measurable metrics and more intuitive usability features.

The modernization effort delivered a migration from a legacy ASP.NET WebForms application to a modern Angular 12 single-page application fronting RESTful APIs, deployed into an IIS on-premises environment.

Technologies Used

  • Angular 12
  • Angular Material
  • .NET Core
  • .Net Framework 4.8
  • Hangfire
  • AutoMapper
  • Atalasoft DotImage
  • Entity Framework
  • SQL Server 2019
  • Always Encrypted with Secure Enclaves
  • SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Azure DevOps

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